London Green Belt Way  


Photos of Stage 10

Cheshunt Station  to  Epping Station  (11.65 miles)


Follows the River Lea Navigation thru' Waltham Abbey & past Enfield Lock. We leave the Lea Valley Walk and join the London LOOP for almost 2 miles, along the River Lea, past Enfield Island, thru' Sewardstone Marsh and up into Epping Forest. Then thru' a golf course to Lippitts Hill and onto High Beach. There are a few hilly miles up to and thru' Epping Forest and Bell Common to finish at Epping Station.


Waltham Abbey Church.


Lea Valley Path.


Looking north from Rammey Lock - the bridge in the distance carries the M25.


Keeping the garden fence in trim.


Rifle Pub at Enfield Lock - now closed.


James Lee Square & Enfield Lock Heritage Trail sign - click for a larger image.



London Loop sign at Swan & Pike Pool.


Footbridge over the river.


Sewardstone Marsh (click for larger image) & Lee Valley Regional Park information boards.



Looking back from Godwin Close


High Beach Church.


A house with two blue plaques at High Beach.



High Beach Green and the Corporation of London sign.



Kings Oak Hotel at High Beach.


Trees and Footpaths through Epping Forest.





Amesbury Banks, Epping Forest.



Finish at Epping Station. This is also the start of the Essex Way.


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