London Green Belt Way  


Photos of Stage 22

Walton Bridge  to  Hampton Court Maze (9.1 miles)


The route crosses the River Thames, going firstly north for half a mile to the Fordbridge Roundabout, then east thru' Lower Sunbury, past the Hampton Waterworks and through Hampton Village. We then follow a scenic route through Bushy Park and finish in the middle of the maze in the grounds of Hampton Court Palace. It's a bit of a strange way to finish the walk, but you'll enjoy the scenery and the places you pass on route


Walton Bridge at the Start of the Stage. Note: The bridge in this photo was replaced by a new bridge in 2013.


Magpie Hotel blue plaque to "Water Rats" - click for a larger image.


Footbridge at Rivermead Island.


Relaxing next to the Thames on Rivermead Island.


A slipway to the Thames.


Riverside residences at Lower Sunbury.



Hampton from Hurst Park.


Garrick's Temple and Villa at Hampton.



Landing stage for the Hampton Ferry.


The Astoria Boathouse from Hurst Park.


Warning Deer and Bushy Park signs - click on both for larger images.



The metalled path along Limes Avenue after entering Bushy Park.


Decorative river outlet and pool next to Limes Avenue.


A bicycle built for two crossing from Limes Avenue to the Woodland Gardens.


View west along Limes Avenut to the Diana Gountain.


Waterhouse Woodland Garden.


The Waterhouse and its pond.


Waterfall and the Longford River.



Waterhouse Plantation Information Board - click to read.


Totem Pole and nearby natural spring.



London Loop direction sign shows its joined us.


Paths through Waterhouse Plantation.





Exit Waterhouse Plantation.


Path to Phesantry Woodland Garden.


Love Birds


Seating in Phesantry Plantation.


Triss' Pond.


Footpaths through Phesantry Plantation.



Birds in a pond.


Taxodium Walk is lined with Taxodium trees and their strange protruding roots.


People enjoy a free concert in summer.


Footbridge over river to Phesantry Centre.


The Bushy Park Restoration Project.


The Phesantry Centre and Phesantry Plantation Information Board - click to read.



The path past the Phesantry Centre.


Direction sign on Chestnut Avenue.


Saturday mornings, the Bushy Park Run streches out on the grass along Chestnut Avenue.


Bushy Park in Winter.


Deer in Bushy Park.


During World War II, the Bushy Park was made the Supreme Headquarters Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAFE) and from where Operation Overlord was planned. Click on the first two photos for larger images.




Longford River through the east section of Bushy Park.


Heron Pond frozen in Winter 2009.


How many different varieties of foul can you count.


Heron Pond on a warmer day.


Diana Fountain with Hampton Court in the background and the gilded statue of .Diana’s nymph, Arethusa on top.


Diana Fountain at Dusk.


The Royal Parks Constabulary at Lion Gate.

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