London Green Belt Way  


Photos of Stage 8

St Albans Abbey Station  to  Hertford East Station  (15.15 miles)


The stage starts at St Albans Abbey Station. Soon joins River Ver Path for 0.65 miles. Climbs to join the Alban Way (old railway line) all the way to and thru' Hatfield. Passes Mill Green Mill and follows Welwyn Centenary Walk thru' a golf course & The Commons Nature Reserve, then joins the Cole Green Way (old railwayline) to Hertford. Goes thru' the old part of this county town, taking in the castle and grounds, then joins the River Lea Navigation to just north of Hertford East Station. 


St Albans Abbey.


Sopwell Nunnery, St Albans.



A Jogger on the Alban Way.


The Old Drinking Trough at Mill Green.



Mill Green Museum & Mill



The Commons Information Board - click for larger image.


A gate without a fence in Commons Wood.


Memorial to Jack Lonergan.


Cole Green Way goes under A414.



Bridge under the Cole Green Way at Letty Green & Lane to Old Station.


Wood Carvings at old Letty Green Station.




Along the Cole Green Way.



Westall Plaque on West Street, Hertford - click for larger image.


General Synod of English Church - click for larger image.


Tudor Gatehouse of Hertford Castle.


Statue of Samuel Stone at Hertford.


Lee Navigation and Towpath, Hertford.



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